Color Hues, Tints, Shades, and Tones
Color Hue
Hue is just another word for color.
Simply put: Each position around the color wheel represents a different hue:
You can experiment with hue values using our Color Picker.
Color Value (Lightness / Darkness)
Color value is a term for how light or dark-dark a color is (from white to black)
These 3 examples change the lightness and darkness for red, orange, and yellow hues:
You can experiment with lightness and darkness for the same hue using our Color Picker.
Color Saturation
Saturation is about intensity.
Highly saturated colors are bright. Desaturated colors have less pigment.
These 3 examples change the saturation for red, orange, and yellow hues:
You can experiment with saturation values for the same hue using our Color Picker.