Java programming language. Lessons for beginners


Java Lambda Expressions

Java Lambda Expressions

Lambda Expressions were added in Java 8.

A lambda expression is a short block of code which takes in parameters and returns a value. Lambda expressions are similar to methods, but they do not need a name, and they can be implemented right in the body of a method.


The simplest lambda expression contains a single parameter and an expression:

parameter -> expression

To use more than one parameter, wrap them in parentheses:

(parameter1, parameter2) -> expression

Expressions are limited. They have to immediately return a value, and they cannot contain variables, assignments or statements such as if or for. In order to do more complex operations, a code block can be used with curly braces. If the lambda expression needs to return a value, then the code block should have a return statement.

(parameter1, parameter2) -> { code block }

Using Lambda Expressions

Lambda expressions are usually passed as parameters to a function:


Use a lambda expression in the ArrayList's forEach() method to print every item in the list:

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    ArrayList<Integer> numbers = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    numbers.forEach( (n) -> { System.out.println(n); } );
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Lambda expressions can be stored in variables if the variable's type is an interface which has only one method. The lambda expression should have the same number of parameters and the same return type as that method. Java has many of these kinds of interfaces built in, such as the Consumer interface (found in the java.util package) used by lists.


Use Java's Consumer interface to store a lambda expression in a variable:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.function.Consumer;

public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    ArrayList<Integer> numbers = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    Consumer<Integer> method = (n) -> { System.out.println(n); };
    numbers.forEach( method );
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To use a lambda expression in a method, the method should have a parameter with a single-method interface as its type. Calling the interface's method will run the lambda expression:


Create a method which takes a lambda expression as a parameter:

interface StringFunction {
  String run(String str);

public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    StringFunction exclaim = (s) -> s + "!";
    StringFunction ask = (s) -> s + "?";
    printFormatted("Hello", exclaim);
    printFormatted("Hello", ask);
  public static void printFormatted(String str, StringFunction format) {
    String result =;
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Lesson from Monika (ChatGPT)

Lambda expressions are a powerful feature in the Java programming language that allow for functional programming. In this article, we will explore what lambda expressions are, how they are used, and their benefits.

What are Lambda Expressions?

Lambda expressions are a way to define small, anonymous functions in Java. They are similar to methods, but do not require a name, return type, or modifiers. Instead, they are defined using a syntax that is more concise and easier to read.

Here is an example of a lambda expression that takes two integers and returns their sum:

(int a, int b) -> a + b

This lambda expression defines a function that takes two integers (a and b) and returns their sum. The arrow (->) separates the function's parameters from its body.

How are Lambda Expressions Used?

Lambda expressions are often used in functional interfaces, which are interfaces that have only one abstract method. These interfaces can be implemented using lambda expressions, which makes the code cleaner and more concise.

Here is an example of a functional interface called Calculator:

interface Calculator {
    int calculate(int a, int b);

This interface has only one abstract method called calculate, which takes two integers and returns an integer. The @FunctionalInterface annotation is optional, but it is good practice to include it to indicate that the interface is intended to be used with lambda expressions.

Now, we can create an instance of this interface using a lambda expression:

Calculator add = (a, b) -> a + b;

This creates a Calculator instance called add that adds two integers together. We can then use this instance to perform calculations:

int result = add.calculate(2, 3); // result = 5

Lambda expressions can also be used with built-in functional interfaces in Java, such as Predicate, Consumer, and Supplier. These interfaces provide a standard way to perform common operations on collections and streams of data.

Benefits of Lambda Expressions

Lambda expressions provide several benefits over traditional Java methods:

  1. Conciseness: Lambda expressions are more concise than traditional methods, which makes the code easier to read and write.
  2. Readability: Lambda expressions can make the code more readable by reducing the amount of boilerplate code needed for simple operations.
  3. Functional Programming: Lambda expressions enable functional programming in Java, which allows for more expressive and powerful code.
  4. Parallelism: Lambda expressions can be used with parallel streams to perform operations on large datasets more quickly and efficiently.


Lambda expressions are a powerful feature in the Java programming language that enables functional programming and makes code more concise and readable. They are often used with functional interfaces to perform operations on collections and streams of data. By understanding lambda expressions, beginner programmers can write more expressive and powerful code in Java.

Lesson from Bard (Google)

Lambda Expressions in Java


Lambda expressions, also known as anonymous functions, were introduced in Java 8. They are a concise and powerful way to write code that can be used in a variety of situations.

What is a lambda expression?

A lambda expression is a function that is defined without a name. It consists of a list of parameters, an arrow token (->), and a body. The body can be a single expression or a block of code.

How to write a lambda expression

The syntax for a lambda expression is as follows:

(parameters) -> expression

For example, the following lambda expression takes a single parameter of type int and returns the square of the parameter:

(int x) -> x * x

The following lambda expression takes two parameters of type int and returns the sum of the parameters:

(int x, int y) -> x + y

How to use lambda expressions

Lambda expressions can be used anywhere in your code where a function is expected. For example, you can pass a lambda expression to a method parameter, or use it to initialize a variable.

Here is an example of how to pass a lambda expression to a method parameter:

public void printSquares(List<Integer> numbers) {
  numbers.forEach(x -> System.out.println(x * x));

This code will print the square of each number in the numbers list.

Here is an example of how to use a lambda expression to initialize a variable:

Comparator<Integer> naturalOrderComparator = (x, y) -> x - y;

This code initializes a variable called naturalOrderComparator with a lambda expression that compares two integers in ascending order.

Benefits of using lambda expressions

Lambda expressions offer a number of benefits over traditional methods, including:

  • Conciseness: Lambda expressions can be much more concise than traditional methods. This can make your code more readable and easier to maintain.
  • Flexibility: Lambda expressions can be used in a variety of situations where traditional methods would not be suitable. For example, lambda expressions can be used to pass functions as parameters to other functions, or to create anonymous inner classes.
  • Performance: In some cases, lambda expressions can be more performant than traditional methods. This is because the compiler can often inline lambda expressions, which can reduce the overhead of calling methods.

Examples of using lambda expressions

Here are a few examples of how lambda expressions can be used in Java:

Sorting a list of numbers:

List<Integer> numbers = Arrays.asList(1, 3, 5, 2, 4);
numbers.sort((x, y) -> x - y);

This code will sort the numbers list in ascending order.

Filtering a list of elements:

List<String> names = Arrays.asList("Alice", "Bob", "Carol", "David");
List<String> shortNames =
  .filter(name -> name.length() < 5)

This code will create a new list called shortNames that contains all the names in the names list that are less than 5 characters long.

Creating a callback function:

public interface Callback {
  void callback();

public void doSomething(Callback callback) {
  // Do something...

This code defines an interface called Callback that has a single method called callback(). The doSomething() method takes a Callback object as a parameter and calls the callback() method on that object when it is finished doing something.

The following code shows how to use the doSomething() method with a lambda expression:

doSomething(() -> System.out.println("Hello, world!"));

This code will print the message "Hello, world!" to the console.


Lambda expressions are a powerful and flexible tool that can be used to write more concise, readable, and efficient code. If you are programming in Java, I encourage you to learn how to use lambda expressions.