What are the sites? Types of sites
A website (also written as a web site) is a collection of web pages and related content that is identified by a common domain name and published on at least one web server. Websites are typically dedicated to a particular topic or purpose, such as news, education, commerce, entertainment or social networking. Hyperlinking between web pages guides the navigation of the site, which often starts with a home page. As of May 2023, the top 5 most visited websites are Google Search, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Types of sites
In this article, you will learn what sites are.
What are the types of sites?
Now, with the development of new technologies, there are quite a lot of types of sites. As a rule, the type of site is almost always determined by its goals and objectives. For example, you want to make a website about your loved one. Such a site will look like a Personal (personal) site. Or - a business card site that can be created not only about one person, but also about small companies, organizations or enterprises. Such sites, as a rule, consist of only one or more pages (usually up to 10 pages), which can only be written using HTML/CSS. These are the simplest sites consisting of static (non-changing) pages. Sites of this type, as a rule, include general information about the owner of the site and his contact details. Such sites are usually the cheapest for the customer and are created quite quickly.
Corporate sites are more fully functional representations of companies on the Internet. This type of sites is already suitable for medium and large companies. Corporate sites contain complete information about the company and its activities, and, accordingly, are designed to promote some business and earn money.
Internet storefronts, online stores, promo sites are types of sites whose main task is to sell (goods, services, information), to popularize a brand, product, service or even a person (for example, a "star" of cinema or show business).
Thematic sites usually contain some information on any particular subject. Internet encyclopedias (for example, Wikipedia) can also be included here.
Internet portals are a type of sites that contain a large amount of various information. As a rule, portals are similar in structure to thematic sites, but have more developed functionality and a larger number of services and sections. Also, portals often have sections for user communication: chats, blogs and forums.
Blogs are a type of site where the author, owner (usually the site administrator) or blog editor writes posts with their news, ideas, opinions or other information that is constantly updated. A distinctive feature of blogs is the relevance of published information, as outdated information becomes irrelevant and uninteresting to visitors. Blogs are usually made on some CMS (Content Management System). It is a computer program or information system that is used to organize and ensure the process of overall creation, management and editing of site content. Such systems are also called "engines" of sites. The most popular CMS in the world is WordPress. There are other well-known site engines such as Joomla, Drupal, DataLife Engine, MODX and many others.< /p>
Site directories are a type of sites, the main content of which are structured links to other sites, as well as their short descriptions.
Search engines - a type of sites designed for searching pages (sites) on the Internet by specific requests. The most popular search engines: Google.com, Yahoo.com, Bing.com, Duckduckgo.com, Startpage.com, Qwant.com, AOL, Yandex, Baidu.com, 360 Seach, Meta, Ukr.net etc.
Mail services - this type of site provides an interface for working with e-mail.
Internet forums - on sites of this type, users can create topics and also comment on them. As a rule, forums are limited to one specific topic, although there are also forums "about everything".
Hosting sites - sites of this type implement the function of storing any files. Hosting sites with the ability to view downloaded files directly through a browser are also common. Depending on the file type, the corresponding icons are displayed. If these are video files, sometimes you can view the video itself. The largest and most popular video hosting site — YouTube.com. Also, popular video hosting sites that not only store video files, but also provide users with other opportunities (for example, online broadcasts) are: Vimeo.com (quality professional video), Dailymotion (French service), Twitch.tv (online broadcasts), TikTok (Chinese service, short videos), etc.
Також до сайтів-хостингів відносяться сайти для створення та зберігання самих сайтів. Деякі з них також є і конструкторами сайтів. Some hosting services, both paid and free, also provide ready-made site engines (CMS) for blog sites, such as the popular Blogger.com, LiveJournal.com (Живий Журнал), Wordpress.com etc.
Bulletin (advertisements) board - on such sites, users can post or search for information in the form of any advertisements, for example - about the purchase and sale of goods or services. This type also includes job search and job offer sites or dating sites.
Social networks - a type of sites created for users to communicate with each other. These are interactive sites where you can view the pages of other users, communicate, comment, create interest groups and many other services. Also, some social networks are also large file sharing services where you can download, save and exchange different types of files. The largest social networks: Facebook.com, Twitter.com, Instagram.com, TikTok.com, Qzone.com (the largest Chinese social network) and others. In Ukraine, such social networks as VKontakte and Odnoklasnyki.ru (Russian) were once popular, but since 2014, when Russia started a war in Ukraine, occupying Crimea and part of the eastern regions of Ukraine, these social networks are officially blocked in Ukraine and now significantly lost their popularity, yielding to other social networks.
Some websites (services) also have their own mobile version (applications for mobile devices). Such applications are already created using programming languages (for example, PHP, Python, Ruby, etc.).
Messengers. Separately, it is worth mentioning popular messengers (forwarding messages together with photos and videos): WhatsApp, WeChat, Facebook Messenger, Snapchat, Telegram, Viber, Line etc.
What are the sites. Their structure. VIDEO (rus lang)
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