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C++ Omit Array Size

Omit Array Size

In C++, you don't have to specify the size of the array. The compiler is smart enough to determine the size of the array based on the number of inserted values:

string cars[] = {"Volvo", "BMW", "Ford"}; // Three array elements

The example above is equal to:

string cars[3] = {"Volvo", "BMW", "Ford"}; // Also three array elements

However, the last approach is considered as "good practice", because it will reduce the chance of errors in your program.

Omit Elements on Declaration

It is also possible to declare an array without specifying the elements on declaration, and add them later:


string cars[5];
cars[0] = "Volvo";
cars[1] = "BMW";
cars[2] = "Ford";
cars[3] = "Mazda";
cars[4] = "Tesla";
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Note: The example above only works when you have specified the size of the array.

If you don't specify the array size, an error occurs:


string cars[];  // Array size is not specified
cars[0] = "Volvo";
cars[1] = "BMW";
cars[2] = "Ford";
cars[3] = "Mazda";
cars[4] = "Tesla";

// error: array size missing in 'cars'
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