Django. Lessons for beginners

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Filter Reference

Filter Reference

A list of all filter keywords:

Keyword Description
add Adds a specified value
addslashes Add a slash before any quote characters to escape strings
capfirst Returns the first letter in uppercase
center Centers the value in the middle of a specified width
cut Remove any specified character or phrases
date Returns dates in the specified format
default Returns a specified value if the value is False
default_if_none Returns a specified value if the value is None
dictsort Sorts a dictionary by the given value
dictsortreversed Sorts a dictionary reversed, by the given value
divisibleby Returns True if the value can be divided by the specified number, otherwise it returns False
escape Escapes HTML code from a string
escapejs Escapes JavaScript code from a string
filesizeformat Returns a number into a file size format
first Returns the first item of an object (for Strings, the first character is returned)
floatformat Rounds floating numbers to a specified number of decimals, default one decimal
force_escape Escapes HTML code from a string
get_digit Returns a specific digit of a number
iriencode Convert an IRI into a URL friendly string
join Returns the items of a list into a string
json_script Returns an object into a JSON object surrounded by <script></script> tags
last Returns the last item of an object (for Strings, the last character is returned)
length Returns the number of items in an object, or the number of characters in a string
length_is Returns True if the length is the same as the specified number
linebreaks Returns the text with <br> instead of line breaks, and <p> instead of more than one line break
linebreaksbr Returns the text with <br> instead of line breaks
linenumbers Returns the text with line numbers for each line
ljust Left aligns the value according to a specified width
lower Returns the text in lower case letters
make_list Converts a value into a list object
phone2numeric Converts phone numbers with letters into numeric phone numbers
pluralize Adds a 's' at the end of a value if the specified numeric value is not 1
random Returns a random item of an object
rjust Right aligns the value according to a specified width
safe Marks that this text is safe and should not be HTML escaped
safeseq Mark each item of an object as safe and the item should not be HTML escaped
slice Returns a specified slice of a text or object
slugify Converts text into one long alphanumeric-lower-case word
stringformat Converts the value into a specified format
striptags Removes HTML tags from a text
time Returns a time in the specified format
timesince Returns the difference between two datetimes
timeuntil Returns the difference between two datetimes
title Upper cases the first character of each word in a text, all other characters are converted to a lower case
truncatechars Shortens a string into the specified number of characters
truncatechars_html Shortens a string into the specified number of characters, not considering the length of any HTML tags
truncatewords Shortens a string into the specified number of words
truncatewords_html Shortens a string into the specified number of words, not considering any HTML tags
unordered_list Returns the items of an object as an unordered HTML list
upper Returns the text in upper case letters
urlencode URL encodes a string
urlize Returns any URLs in a string as HTML links
urlizetrunc Returns any URLs in a string as HTML links, but shortens the links into the specified number of characters
wordcount Returns the number of words in a text
wordwrap Wrap words at a specified number of characters
yesno Converts Booleans values into specified values
