HTML5 Lecciones para principiantes

Ua En De

HTML Formato de texto

HTML contiene varios elementos para definir texto con un significado especial.


Este texto está en negrita

Este texto está en cursiva

Esto es subíndice y superíndice

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HTML Elementos de formato

Los elementos de formato se diseñaron para mostrar tipos especiales de texto:

  • <b> - Bold text
  • <strong> - Important text
  • <i> - Italic text
  • <em> - Emphasized text
  • <mark> - Marked text
  • <small> - Smaller text
  • <del> - Deleted text
  • <ins> - Inserted text
  • <sub> - Subscript text
  • <sup> - Superscript text

HTML <b> and <strong> Elements

The HTML <b> element defines bold text, without any extra importance.


<b>This text is bold</b>
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The HTML <strong> element defines text with strong importance. The content inside is typically displayed in bold.


<strong>This text is important!</strong>
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HTML <i> and <em> Elements

The HTML <i> element defines a part of text in an alternate voice or mood. The content inside is typically displayed in italic.

Tip: The <i> tag is often used to indicate a technical term, a phrase from another language, a thought, a ship name, etc.


<i>This text is italic</i>
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The HTML <em> element defines emphasized text. The content inside is typically displayed in italic.

Tip: A screen reader will pronounce the words in <em> with an emphasis, using verbal stress.


<em>This text is emphasized</em>
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HTML <small> Element

The HTML <small> element defines smaller text:


<small>This is some smaller text.</small>
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HTML <mark> Element

The HTML <mark> element defines text that should be marked or highlighted:


<p>Do not forget to buy <mark>milk</mark> today.</p>
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HTML <del> Element

The HTML <del> element defines text that has been deleted from a document. Browsers will usually strike a line through deleted text:


<p>My favorite color is <del>blue</del> red.</p>
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HTML <ins> Element

The HTML <ins> element defines a text that has been inserted into a document. Browsers will usually underline inserted text:


<p>My favorite color is <del>blue</del> <ins>red</ins>.</p>
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HTML <sub> Element

The HTML <sub> element defines subscript text. Subscript text appears half a character below the normal line, and is sometimes rendered in a smaller font. Subscript text can be used for chemical formulas, like H2O:


<p>This is <sub>subscripted</sub> text.</p>
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HTML <sup> Element

The HTML <sup> element defines superscript text. Superscript text appears half a character above the normal line, and is sometimes rendered in a smaller font. Superscript text can be used for footnotes, like WWW[1]:


<p>This is <sup>superscripted</sup> text.</p>
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HTML Exercises

Test Yourself With Exercises


Add extra importance to the word "degradation" in the paragraph below.

WWF's mission is to stop the degradation of our planet's natural environment.</p>

HTML Text Formatting Elements

Tag Description
<b> Defines bold text
<em> Defines emphasized text 
<i> Defines a part of text in an alternate voice or mood
<small> Defines smaller text
<strong> Defines important text
<sub> Defines subscripted text
<sup> Defines superscripted text
<ins> Defines inserted text
<del> Defines deleted text
<mark> Defines marked/highlighted text

For a complete list of all available HTML tags, visit our HTML Tag Reference on our website W3SchoolsEn. The Best.