ChatGPT-4. Lessons for beginners


ChatGPT-4 First Draft

Using ChatGPT-4 to Write a First Draft

As ChatGPT-4 creates a response to input, it is like having a writer available to help.

Writing a text, paper, or article can be very difficult. You can use ChatGPT to get started.

ChatGPT can help you make a first draft for you to start. It will not be perfect, but it can save you time.

Understand your Topic

Before using Generative AI to help you, you should understand what you are writing about.

If, for example, your topic is "The importance of team sports for youth development", you should know a little bit about the topic.

If you know a little bit about this yourself, that is great. But it would be best if you also did a little bit of research, and for additional information, you can also ask ChatGPT:


With the following prompt:

Write a short, 3-paragraph summary about "The importance of team sports for youth development".

A response from ChatGPT-4 could be:


Team sports play a crucial role in the comprehensive development of children and teenagers. Engaging in these activities not only promotes physical fitness but also provides a platform for acquiring essential life skills. By participating in team sports from a young age, children can develop better coordination and strength, along with a better understanding of the benefits of regular exercise, which sets a foundation for a healthy lifestyle in adulthood.

Beyond physical attributes, team sports contribute significantly to psychological and social development. They foster critical interpersonal skills like communication, cooperation, and teamwork, as children learn to work collaboratively towards a common goal. Through such interactions, they gain better emotional intelligence, improved self-esteem, and a sense of belonging. Furthermore, facing both victory and defeat in sports helps children learn resilience, adaptability, and the ability to handle pressure.

Additionally, team sports provide a platform for youth to learn ethical values and discipline. They instill a sense of fair play, respect for rules and authority, and the ability to balance both academics and extracurricular activities. They also enhance leadership skills, as children often get opportunities to lead and make decisions. In summary, team sports are a vital instrument for holistic youth development, shaping them into well-rounded, responsible, and resilient adults.

Now that we understand the subject well, we create a table of contents.

Refine and Experiment

Before we ask ChatGPT for further help, let's break down the subject into smaller pieces.

First, we need to figure out what we are writing. It could be a book, an essay, a blog, an article, or something else. In this example, we will write an article.

Now we break down the key things we want to focus on with a Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction - including information about team sports and the purpose of the article.
  2. Social Benefits of Team Sports - Focusing on how teamwork can help build communication skills, and the importance of building relationships
  3. Physical Benefits of Team Sports - Focusing on the difference between an inactive and active lifestyle, and key differences between team sports and solidary workouts.
  4. Negatives of Team Sports - Highlighting possible pitfalls of Team Sports, specifically the danger of alienating and isolating individuals
  5. Conclusion - Summary of the above points.

Now we have a clear focus and can start asking ChatGPT for help.

Using ChatGPT-4 to Write the First Draft

Now, we can use ChatGPT to write the first draft for each part.

In our example, we will use the text 'For an article about "The importance of team sports for youth development", write a section about xyz' as a starting point:

Part 1 - The Introduction


With the following prompt:

For an article about "The importance of team sports for youth development", write a section about "Introduction - including information about team sports and the purpose of the article":

A response from ChatGPT-4 could be:



Team sports, a universal thread weaving through societies across the world, serve as a platform where youth can engage, learn, and grow. Involving a variety of activities ranging from soccer, basketball, and volleyball to cricket, baseball, and more, team sports are a key element in many children’s lives. These activities are more than just games; they offer invaluable learning experiences and opportunities for personal development beyond the classroom. This article aims to delve into the importance of team sports in youth development and their multi-faceted benefits.

Team sports are structured physical activities where individuals work together towards achieving a common goal. This communal objective forms the heart of the team’s ethos, shaping interactions, and defining roles. The engaging nature of these activities tends to mask the plethora of lessons being imparted - valuable nuggets of wisdom which prepare children for a rapidly evolving world.

This article seeks to explore the profound impact of team sports on the holistic development of the youth. We’ll delve into the multifaceted benefits, discussing how these activities foster physical fitness, cultivate psychological and social growth, promote ethical values, and build leadership skills. The overarching aim is to provide a compelling argument for the continued and enhanced investment in youth team sports, emphasizing their essential role in nurturing well-rounded, responsible, and resilient individuals. The understanding and emphasis on the importance of team sports could significantly impact education systems, youth programs, and societal views on child development.

Part 2 - Social Benefits of Team Sports


With the following prompt:

For an article about "The importance of team sports for youth development", write a section about "Social Benefits of Team Sports - Focusing on how teamwork can help build communication skills, and the importance of building relationships":

A response from ChatGPT-4 could be:


Social Benefits of Team Sports

One of the most significant aspects of team sports is their inherent ability to foster teamwork and communication among children and adolescents. These activities require coordination and cooperation among team members to function effectively, which invariably leads to the development of sophisticated communication skills. In the midst of the games’s hustle and bustle, children learn to articulate strategies, voice opinions, listen to others, and convey information concisely and effectively. These experiences provide practical lessons in expressing oneself and understanding others, skills that hold immense value both within and beyond the confines of the playing field.

Team sports also offer ample opportunities to build relationships, fostering a sense of camaraderie and unity. Participants interact with a diverse range of individuals, often from different backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives. This diversity is a rich tapestry of experiences that nurtures empathy, understanding, and acceptance, as players learn to appreciate their differences and find common ground. They develop strong bonds, resulting in lasting friendships, while simultaneously acquiring a nuanced understanding of the diverse world around them.

Moreover, the teamwork inherent in these activities imparts valuable lessons about the importance of collective effort. Youth learn to appreciate the value of each team member’s contribution, understand their roles, and respect the interconnectedness of their efforts. They come to realize that the strength of the team lies in its unity, and success is achieved through collective rather than individual glory. This understanding fosters a community-oriented mindset, encouraging them to be considerate, collaborative, and supportive in other areas of life. In essence, the social benefits of team sports extend far beyond the pitch or court, shaping youth into empathetic, communicative, and collaborative individuals, prepared to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world.

Part 3 - Physical Benefits of Team Sports


With the following prompt:

For an article about "The importance of team sports for youth development", write a section about "Physical Benefits of Team Sports - Focusing on the difference between an inactive and active lifestyle, and key differences between team sports and solidary workouts."

A response from ChatGPT-4 could be:


Physical Benefits of Team Sports

In an era where technology has exponentially increased sedentary lifestyles among youth, team sports provide a vital counterbalance, promoting physical activity and health. Comparatively, an inactive lifestyle has been linked with a myriad of health complications, including obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and diminished mental well-being. Conversely, the active lifestyle encouraged by team sports helps to maintain a healthy weight, improves cardiovascular health, strengthens muscles and bones, and boosts overall fitness levels.

Unlike solitary workouts, team sports encompass a variety of physical activities that engage different muscle groups and promote comprehensive fitness. For example, soccer builds endurance and leg strength, basketball improves coordination and agility, and volleyball enhances upper body strength and timing. Each game’s unique demands lead to a well-rounded fitness regimen, providing a fun and engaging alternative to repetitive gym workouts or solitary runs.

Moreover, team sports often involve high-intensity, intermittent bouts of activity, which have been found to be more effective in improving cardiovascular health than steady, moderate-intensity exercises. The unpredictable, dynamic nature of these activities keeps the body guessing, enhancing metabolic function and encouraging more significant improvements in physical fitness.

Most importantly, team sports instill a love for physical activity from a young age. The competitive nature of the games, the joy of working towards a shared goal, and the thrill of victory can make these activities far more engaging than solitary workouts. This enjoyment fosters a positive association with exercise, increasing the likelihood of maintaining an active lifestyle into adulthood. Therefore, team sports not only provide immediate physical benefits but also lay the groundwork for long-term health and well-being.

Part 4 - Negatives of Team Sports


With the following prompt:

For an article about "The importance of team sports for youth development", write a section about "Negatives of Team Sports - Highlighting possible pitfalls of Team Sports, specifically the danger of alienating and isolating individuals":

A response from ChatGPT-4 could be:


Negatives of Team Sports

While team sports undeniably offer significant benefits, they are not without potential drawbacks. A key issue can arise when team dynamics lead to the alienation or isolation of certain individuals. This could occur due to an array of reasons such as skill discrepancies, personal differences, or harmful competitiveness. For instance, players who struggle to match the performance levels of their teammates might feel excluded or marginalized, which can lead to lower self-esteem and self-confidence.

Another related problem can stem from the emphasis on winning. The competitive nature of team sports, while often beneficial for fostering resilience and a drive for success, can sometimes manifest as excessive pressure to win. This can create an environment where success is disproportionately valued over effort and participation. Consequently, youth who consistently find themselves on the losing side, or who don’t perform up to expectations, may experience stress, anxiety, and a diminished sense of self-worth.

Also, the team-oriented structure might not cater to every child’s preferences or strengths. Introverted or less socially inclined children may find the group dynamics overwhelming or stressful. These individuals might flourish in individual sports or other solitary pursuits, where they can build confidence at their own pace and in their own style. It’s essential to recognize and respect these individual differences, and not force every child into the same mold.

Addressing these potential pitfalls requires a shift in focus toward fostering an inclusive, supportive, and nurturing environment. Emphasis should be placed on participation, effort, and personal improvement rather than solely on victory. Furthermore, the role of coaches, parents, and teammates in creating a positive sporting environment is crucial. Team sports can offer substantial benefits, but it’s important to navigate the potential challenges carefully to ensure these activities remain a positive force in youth development.

Part 5 - Conclusion


With the following prompt:

For an article about "The importance of team sports for youth development", write a section about "Conclusion - Summary of the above points":

A response from ChatGPT-4 could be:



Team sports play an instrumental role in youth development, offering a multitude of benefits that extend far beyond the playing field. Physically, these activities provide an essential counterbalance to increasingly sedentary lifestyles, promoting comprehensive fitness, improving health outcomes, and instilling a lifelong love for physical activity. Socially, team sports foster advanced communication skills, cultivate strong relationships, and impart invaluable lessons about teamwork and community.

However, it’s equally important to acknowledge and navigate the potential pitfalls of team sports. In particular, care must be taken to prevent the alienation or isolation of individuals and to manage the pressures that can accompany a competitive environment. Recognizing and respecting individual differences and preferences is key, ensuring that each child is supported in finding their own path to personal growth and development.

In conclusion, team sports offer a potent tool for holistic youth development, shaping children and teenagers into healthy, empathetic, and resilient individuals. While not without challenges, with careful management and an emphasis on inclusivity, enjoyment, and personal growth, team sports can continue to serve as a crucial catalyst for developing the leaders, team players, and active citizens of tomorrow.

Now you have a good starting point, a first draft you can use to start writing further. Adding examples and sources for these claims would be the next natural step. But you have used ChatGPT as a tool to help you get started.